
MAY 17 2022

mood: avoiding responsibility
listening to: naked giants - green fuzz

i wish people realized how emotionally draining painting commissions can be. especially if it's a portrait or a pet. especially if that person or pet is dead. anyway, i have a few commissions i'm working on right now. some are cool, some not so much. i'm trying to get by making art while using social media as little as humanly possible. i'll probably end up making a professional site here on neocities for art/business just so i have a place to park my stuff if anyone asks.

MAY 8 2022

mood: caffeinated
listening to: the damned - alone again or

people are too peopley these days. today is my last day at my old job and hopefully my last day in the service industry altogether. the weather has been beautiful. my flowers are starting to bloom. i went hiking really early in the morning and the leaves were all brand new and saturated in lime green. i found a jack-in-the-pulpit which i just learned is also called a bog onion?? just silly ass names for that plant all around. i love it. i also learned that sycamore trees always lead to water and you can track the direction of water sources based on the treeline.

APR 25 2022

mood: uhhh?!
listening to: boy harsher - machina

wow hey blog, it's been a minute. i have been in the middle of some life stuff lately and haven't had the time to sit down and do my own thing for a while. since my last post i decided to say fuck it and start looking for new work since i've been kinda miserable. i ended up getting hired by someone doing the same type of cool shit i like doing (sorry to be vague but it's basically a fabrication shop for an events company). so hopefully that works out and leads to something good? if not, that's okay too.

i had a really big birthday where i entered a whole new decade and younger me would have thought current me is old as fuuuck lol. my 20s were exciting but also full of stress and tragedy so i'm interested to see what this decade brings.